
Approximate working-age labor force in Rhea County, Tenn.


Rhea County workers with a high school diploma.


Number of counties Rhea County employers draw from.


Percentage of Rhea County workers 54 or younger (right)

Rhea County workforce by age group:


  • Free classes to prepare adults to pass the high school equivalency test in Tennessee. Plus, on-site and role-based education and training.

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  • TCAT at Chattanooga State is a leading provider of hands-on, high-demand, skills training programs designed to prepare you for the job market. Most TCAT students are able to start their career within just one year.

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  • Tennessee's Career & Technical Education consists of 16 nationally recognized career clusters with the ultimate goal of preparing students for success at the postsecondary level and in their chosen careers.

    Review RCHS' CTE program list and educators.

  • STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Dayton City School is excited to offer this opportunity to all sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders this year. STEAM education helps students develop problem-solving skills valuable in the real world.Item description

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